Describe the Trinity Using the Analogy of Love

The Spirit is the bond which unites Father and Son. When God loves us and we love him in return we only do so with the love with which he loves us we are drawn into this Trinity which is Love an interchange of love that has no beginning and no end.

Analogies For The Blessed Trinity Christian Apologetics Alliance

The Trinity is like an egg.

. But in these three when the mind knows itself and loves itself a trinity remains. How do these biblical images help us understand eternal relations of origin. In the second instance the truth of Gods Trinity reveals a further aspect of Gods love for His people.

Also the egg is made up of three distinct and unalike parts. For instance on the analogy of lover-beloved-love-itself he writes in the De Trinitate. Its downright hard to understand.

Why must we always respect the difference between the creature and the Creator. This is perhaps the most common analogy for the Trinity. Through participation in God the creatures have their existence.

How the analogy goes. Similarly Augustine used the analogy of lover beloved and love itself to describe the Trinity14 He also spoke of a trinity in sight the object that is seen vision itself and the attention of the mind15 a trinity in the human spirit mind or self-knowledge self-love or self-esteem and will16 as well as a trinity in love. The Spirit is a person loved by Father and Son equally.

Therefore the Holy Spirit whatever it is is something common both to the Father and Son. The idea expressed is that. Augustines Trinitarian theology influential on the whole of western thinking on the Trinity presents the Holy Spirit as the mutual love between Father and Son.

Since this third person of the trinity is an act of love which is the willing of the good it makes sense that the Holy Spirit is described as a helper translations say comforter advocate counselor. If youve ever spoken on the Trinity in an Apologetics round youve probably used some of them yourself. Augustine searches for an analogy to help his listeners comprehend the oneness of the Trinity but the distinct works of each Person though its important to remember that all Trinitarian analogies fall short.

The Trinity is Like an Egg. God is kind of like a man who is a father a son and an uncle. He talks about the minds ability to remember to understand and to will.

The Son Jesus Christ is the one who is loved. Here are some common analogies that Christians have used about the Trinity. The three Persons of God together make up only one God Weve probably all heard one or more of these analogies before.

II Analogies of the Trinity Having defended the distinctions of the persons in the Godhead Augustine proceeds to search out for analogies that will illuminate the relationships within the Godhead. Gods being is therefore the fullness and substance of love itself. Lover and beloved both share their love with another for love to be perfect.

The Holy Spirits role also fits nicely with this description of the Trinity. The three most common go-to analogies for explaining the Trinity are water an egg and the sun. If God has existed for all eternity in a perfectly loving Triune relationship then it shows He is completely self-sufficient and requires no further relationship in.

The Trinity is like H 2 O. God as a Trinity can be compared to a three-leaf clover. So a triangle may not be an analogy to the trinity but an analogy to the coherence of three in one.

Despite the fact that each member of the Trinity. Thus we need three persons for love to be perfect. Augustine is overwhelmed with the greatness and majesty of the love of God.

So in Richards model the Spirit is not the love joining the persons together. How do God-given analogies like Word Son and Image describe the Trinity. In one egg you have the white the yoke and the shell composing one full egg.

Unfortunately most of them actually give us the wrong idea about what the Trinity is. Its the same Greek word in John 1416 26. Water can exist in liquid at room.

God is like H 2 O like water. The Trinity is pretty weird. If someone already has an understanding based on the definition and explanation above then these analogies might help them grasp aspects of the Trinity.

He is testing whether the elmentsare i the same substance ii equal to each of the others iii distinct but not different from one another iv mutually inter-related v mutually indwelling and vi united but. The three leaves of the clover together make up one clover. In essence love is triune.

God is all goodness all truth all beauty. Since the love for self is unchanging this analogy is stable and immortal as the human soul containing it is immortal. One object but three different identifiable leaves or sides.

He begins with the observation that love has a Trinitarian form of the lover that which is loved and love. The Trinity is the very being of love. In this Credo Mag video Vern Poythress discusses the Trinity Trinitarian analogies and how God speaks of his.

The mutual love between Father and Son is shared with Holy Spirit. The problem with this analogy is that an egg yoke is of a very different substance than a shell. And in our efforts to grasp it weve come up with a number of analogies.

The Father is the one who loves. God is kind of like water which can be ice liquid and steam. God is kind of like a three-leaf clover or a triangle.

But that communion itself is consubstantial. That is not to say that a triangle and the trinity are identical but for the purpose of illustrating that three in one is not always a paradox the concept of a triangle is a useful tool. Instead God made humans out of unnecessary grace an overflowing of love from the love that exists between Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Augustine is carefully testing analogies using very specific criteriaat the heart of the doctrine of the Trinity. Lewis made a famous analogy of the Trinity as like a person in a two-dimensional universe being able to comprehend a square but not a cube. This analogy denies the unity of the God-head.

The mind love and knowledge. A triangle is one triangle and three sides. Using this analogy Augustine argues that Gods nature is both personal and relational based on relationship that is communicated in the divine love exhibited by and expressed between the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Againwere trying to grasp something that isnt fully grasp-able The Analogies. Augustine thinks that this is the best analogy for God Trinity human soul. Love described in this way is a personal unified relationship that requires all three of these elements to co-exist distinctly and simultaneously.

The Father or Mother Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are in some sense distinct from one another but are all unified in another sense. Now before you scream loudly at the inherent problems with these analogies yes I see them as well note that my starting language mitigates each illustration. The above picture is a famous work of art by Andrei Rubilev the great medieval Russian painter of Orthodox icons and frescos.

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